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Sedation Dentistry: The New Anxiety-Free Dentistry

It’s called sedation dentistry (performed by a specially trained dentist called a sedation dentist), and it may well be the greatest advance ever made towards truly comfortable and anxiety free dentistry procedures.

For a lot of people, the unpleasantness of a dental appointment isn’t so much fear as it is stress from that "in-your-face" aspect of the procedure.

We all have our own sense of personal space. And when hands and tools enter the mouth, as they must, the feeling can get downright claustrophobic. Fortunately, there’s an antidote to this problem, anxiety-free dentistry!

Here’s how sedation dentistry works

After an initial consultation with a sedation dentist you’ll take a medication just before your next visit. You’ll need a friend to help transport you to and from the office safely.

When you arrive for your appointment you’ll be awake, but drowsy. Most important, you’ll be relaxed and anxiety free. While you’re in the chair, the sedation dentist and team monitors you closely. You won’t be unconscious, you’ll just enjoy a soothing mental and emotional "distance" from the goings on.

Next thing you’ll know, your dentist is telling you the procedure is complete and it is time to go home - thanks to anxiety-free dentistry.

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Agave Dental
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Beth Hamann

Brent Call

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Agave Dental
4235 N. 32nd. Street
Suite C
Phoenix, AZ 85018
General Info: (602) 957-2411

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